© 2024

You can make your cake payments using our convenient online payment method.

Simply enter your name & event date as the description followed by the amount.

Once payment is complete you will receive confirmation via email.


Thank you for choosing Sugar Buzz Cakes to be a part of your celebration!

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After more than 20 years of decorating and having the pleasure of being a part of hundreds of celebrations, I am retiring the bakery. My last day of operation will be November 3, 2023. Thank you for your loyalty and support. And for challenging me year after year which contributed greatly to my growth and expertise. So thank you, every single one of you, who played a part in that. If you have a photo you’d like to post and share with me of your guest of honor with their cake, I would be thrilled to see them and cherish them for a long time to come. https://www.facebook.com/SugarBuzzCakes Sweetly yours, Carol Antes.